I found 1839 threads containing nother in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1481
First 60hp rack based on Pittsburgh Helix Racks by 8 92
this will be my first modular. does this make sense? help pls Racks by 15 517
Comments on First-Timer Rack? Racks by 9 27
what could be missing in my system ? Racks by 5 116
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
First build Racks by 31 510
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Looking for help to create my system Racks by 2 130
Second Pair of Eyes / wwyd Racks by 4 94
Tempi Last Day Short Techno Test Patches by 5 18
meng qi - dinner thought Patches by 2 38
Patch #1 Patches by 1 34
Metropolis: Using CLK Out to advance an external Sequence with Stage (Pitch) Offsets Patches by 1 42
Boolean Impaired Patches by 1 10
Patch #1 Playable Ambient Patches by 2 85
I would appreciate feedback on my proposed rig for ambient and otherworldly sounds Patches by 3 103
Revised proposed synth based upon comments I received Patches by 24 362
S.P.O. - 1 Patches by 1 21
Mono > Stereo Snd/Rtn + Dry/Wet & Pan Control Patches by 1 143
Night Strolling Patches by 3 126
Intentional drifting pitch Patches by 4 121
5x5 Modular Jam with Added Drums Patches by 2 37
Patch #1 Patches by 9 114
Trigger - Gate question Patches by 5 68
Ambient/Dark Ambient--Looking for Starter tips Patches 8 242
Hard Sync Patches by 1 70
Advise needed for 4ms DLD setup... Patches by 2 8
Simple Sampler Patches by 1 17
Feb 21st 2021 Evening Jam Patches by 6 74
Frequency Freaks - 3-Module Challenge (Dec, 2020) Patches by 1 60
Shaggy's Power Patches by 7 33
Patch #3 Patches by 5 183
Weird Forest Thing with Birds Patches by 3 103
thread on sharing sequence Patches by 2 59
Krell patch: Turbidity Patches by 8 203
Clock from Ableton via Disting G6 into Circadian Rhythms Patches by 2 4
Plaits Goes Krell Patches by 6 154
Pitches (notes octaves) too high, generative/random Patches by 9 137