Check out a Multi-FX module.

Detroit Modular has the ALM MFX. (B-stock & Black Friday sale for discounts). It will fit in the remaining space you have and it suits your techno style. The echo, reverb, ensemble, and phaser effects would really liven up that beehive. I think you'd like it.

-- Toccata

Not a bad idea! It's too bad I can't put in a discount on that b stock but I do have some credit saved up. It would also fill this case until I get off my butt and into the shop and build a case! I also like that it has a few utilities built into it.

I kind of had my eye on the 2hp verb but I think the options on this will be better/more flexible in the long run for not much more money.

I have it in my cart for now. Thanks!

I do stuff and things and whatnot...