@pointandclicksystems - it's an opinion... not an insult...

they're just not in the spirit of 'modular synthesis'... they're 'synthesis with modules' to the extreme...

I actually think they're very clever, same as your module, well done for putting a full blown computer behind a panel!

but good luck to you... I hope you (and they) sell loads... just not to me...

-- JimHowell1970

@pointandclicksystems The post you wrote and then erased as an "answer" to my question does classify you. Good luck with your hobby.

right. what do you think these modules are good for? do you think they do only one thing? can you make an open ended module your own without needing it to be so defined? can you define it or do you need it to define you? spirit of a modular synth? says who? yeah thank you for the big ups. all synthesists are not doing it the way you suggest. would you ever use a computer to record a performance or stream a performance or score video or make a sample collection or prepare and SCSI transfer samples to your vintage EMU sampler or use software for a lightshow you control with a euro LFO or a euro sequencer or do your taxes or automate your home security or watch star wars or make up for hundreds worth of utility modules or record cv or mix live synths or apply dynamics processes without breaking the bank or play wavetables without the thin nasal tone quality most euro wavetable modules have or convert mm to inches or kg to pounds or fuck it, check your email or chat on your beloved discord group about watever is so important to you? no? well good for you! i dont hate you for doing it wrong. i love myself for making these super cool tools that people with common sense dont simply dismiss. the world is full of musicians and music that isnt the style youre making, and there should be a bridge to unite their methods and here it is. will you adapt to the times? no? ah well theres a name for that... i cant think of it right now. anyway, these modules i make work very well for a multitude of needs that every musician is likely to face. keep an open mind maybe? you might see the worth at some point. but if you dont, too bad so sad, go on with ya bad self and have it your way at burger king. oh and soon there will be one of my modules without a screen so you can look like youre DAWless and still have the massive advantage a computer provides. oh but maybe you are not aware of what i speak of. its ok, you do you. you wont catch me insulting you or asking snide moot questions about your modules. dont be afraid that ill take buyers away from your products, im here to co-exist. arent you all about co-existing? no? well to be honest i cant say you have demonstrated that here in this thread. think before you post your passive aggressive questions. im here ready for inspection and someone will like what i offer, as i do. i did this for me first and foremost. if you like it, welcome! welcome to my studio! if you hate it then haters gonna hate. i dont really care. ill still be here doing me.