looks like quite a decent start to me...

personally I'd want some more utilities... as they add more patching options... so versatility

& some modulation - envelope generators/function generators & lfos

and I'd probably go for a bigger case (mantis would be my choice - bigger/quieter/cheaper per hp etc) - sooner or later you'll inevitably need it & you're a bit close to the power specs for the uZeus - at least with the regular psu - & with the higher powered option there's no improvement on the -12v rail - remember to leave at least 20% headroom on all rails (& if you add more modules you'll probably want to change the jumper for the -12v to get the extra 100mA out of it...
-- JimHowell1970

Thank you for your help, particularly with the envelope/function generator and power/case aspects. These are areas I was hoping to cheap out on, but I think I won't for now, even if it means holding off on a purchase for longer.

I'm sort of tempted to just go with an updated version of this (should be visible if you click the image) and then see what other utilities I need as I go along. I also have a Bluebox mixer, so I'm at least ok for figuring out how to collect my various audio signals from the modular and send them to the rest of the world.