Thanks guys!

Good to see you back on MG Jim. I have PNW so the synch setup you mentioned is something I could do. I’ll try that when my new stuff arrives!

Ronin, ES-9 would be my go to choice if i weren’t for the “it will become your interface in Windows” issue. As I want to keep my interface setup as is, using ES-3&6 via ADAT seems like a great option. That is what I’m going for! I’m also adding CV Thing to do more basic MIDI so for example I can go modular to other hardware without having to involve a DAW.

All of this is very exciting, I hope it works well (eg stable and synched). I’m very excited at the prospect of having my control signals and scoring more networked. “Studio as instrument”…. Very very excited as this should help me get more use / joy out of some less used hardware I’ve had. Networking more of it to make “one big howling thing” should be a blast.