Dual Algorithmic Oscillator (DAO), 1U Blank Panel, Dual Sequential Switch (DSS), Compact Microsound Processor (CMP) and Algorithmic Oscillator (AO) are among 1979s most popular products.
Buchla format adaptation of Clouds by Mutable Instruments
Bidirectional sequential switches for audio and CV
Buchla format adaptation of Elements by Mutable Instruments
Buchla format adaptation of Braids by Mutable Instruments
Buchla format adaptation of Rings by Mutable Instruments
Buchla format adaptation of Grids by Mutable Instruments
Buchla format adaptation of Frames by Mutable Instruments
Multimode oscillator with internal VCA/envelope
Buchla format adaptation of Stages by Mutable Instruments
Buchla format adaptation of Marbles by Mutable Instruments
Two independent four-channel audio mixers
1U Blank Panel
2U Blank Panel
Digital delay with clock sync and FX send
Powerful DSP effects for 4U systems
Digital Stereo Delay (DSD)