I swear, every few months it happens...I get this wild hair to cook up a 5U setup and rererereREconsider going with Eurorack yet again. This time, though, the results came out kinda interesting. Still fiddling with it a bit, but it's largely complete.

Kinda interesting how I managed to cram 18 VCOs in there. Normally, that gets prohibitively spendy, but these new, fairly cost-effective 1 and 2 unit VCOs from Grove actually sort of make this work. I started on this purely with Dotcom and then started in on trying to up either the module capability or function density and only kept a little bit of focus on the pricing, just to see where that strategy wound up. Interestingly, a lot of Dotcom remained in, especially Roger's newer modules like the EG++, LFO+, and so on. And as a new twist (since they seem to have some recent introductions), Grove Audio got a big foot in the door here as well. Prior attempts soared WAAAAAY out of a proper price range in the past, but this actually isn't that bad, considering.

Cabs are Dotcom: all portable series with single rows on top, duals for the next two below, and the bottom is a portable angle case with the panel at the flatter, shallow angle instead of the steeper one. PSU3s in the left and right, definitely making use of the multiple power taps on the backs of the angled cabs. For transport, the idea is to 'clamshell' the left and middle 2 row and top row cabs, lids for the other two.

As noted, this is usually something I wind up hemming and hawwing over until something else in the Euro realm gets me excited, but this time...I dunno. I kind of like this, plus with my near vision gradually going all to hell as aging does what it does, this might be a more sensible option...?