So I am thinking of building a modular, It will be my first one but I have a lot of other gear including a few mono synths. I know that a modular mono synth is loads of fun but I want a poliphonic one.There is a music shop here in Iceland that is realy interested in selling modulars so they asked me to help figure out what companies to start working with. I sugested MonoRocket for cases, Pittsburg modular, Make Noice, Mutable instruments and TipTop audio. I think with these companies there should be a nice variation in emphasis. In return I get a bit of a discount and well more good will then I have today. So here we have a 4 voice poliphonic beats. The top two rows are basicaly 4 voices, each voice has a Oscilator, Filter, Dual VCA, Envelope and tool box. Each row has two of these voices and at the end a mixing section. The bottom row has utilities for more complex opperations as each of the voices is pretty standard. Here we have a Yarns for the 4 voice midi control, Tides Wogglebug and Maths each followed by a mulltiple for aditional mangling of the four voices. and then a LPG that I am thinking of using to turn the lowest voice of 4 voice poliphony into a rythmic beating bass line and then a phace shifter to give the whole voice a final shimmer and finaly a outs. I am not compleatly shure about this as a first purchase... maybe I should start with more variety and spend less on more... I am hoping this set up will produce "HUGE" pads and string sections...Any thoughts? All discussion would be nice.