Don't be afraid to put things in odd orders so the setup is more ergonomic. What may seem intuitive or natural as a design could be keeping you from playing the thing better. I have two passive low pass gates in 2hp (Meng Qi and Takaab) and I like them a lot, but they sort of form a wall between two sides of your modular when fully patched, and trying to keep a 2hp MMF or Mix next to that and still use them was a challenge. Thankfully, all the other modules in that row are big and very accessible no matter how aggressively I patch them up. Is there a specific area on your setup that's hard to access? I imagine the Doepfer side is doing good since everything is nicely separated into patch points and knobs and you can just sneak in behind the cables, but I could be wrong.

Right angled cables can also help here. There are special "low profile" ones, but even the regular ones help keep the wire mess on the sides of your rack rather than on top of it.