Hey jb1264 ///
Thanks for chiming in! These are awesome considerations!

I looked at the O&C and it's variants, and I have the Disting MK4 in a few other potential cases as it seems like a no-brainer packing so many functions into a mere 4hp. My thoughts are that with Pam's, O&C and/or Disting in one small setup, while incredibly powerful and versatile, will be kind of time-consuming with the "menu-diving" and may inhibit creativity... but I also don't know for sure as I'm completely inexperienced and have never even seen or touched any of these modules in person. That's just my immediate reaction based solely on my amateur research. The Ghost, albeit big, still has the knob-per-function satisfaction I enjoy in more of the performative and messing around sense.

The Happy Nerding FX Aid XL looks awesome! MylarMelodies features it in one of his videos where he does builds in the smaller Intellijel Palette Case ("Suggested Systems" series) and creates some patches to feature each of the modules he's selected, so it's definitely been on my radar. Maybe the FX Aid teamed up with a Disting or Ornament and Crime module would be sort of a happy medium?

Again, thanks so much for your suggestions! This is all great stuff!