Hey Manbearpignick ///
I really appreciate your advice and I don't find it patronizing at all! This is golden information!

I downloaded VCV Rack a little while ago and messed around a little, I should really focus and spend more time with it exploring and learning the voltage(s) themselves and how different modules are affected by or affect them. You nailed it on the head, I definitely need to spend more time learning before I put together a physical system. It's just such an exciting new discovery for me and I need to restrain myself, do the recon and gather intel so I'm better equipped if and when the time comes to start acquiring physical modules.

Thank you so much for the Omri Cohen Youtube suggestion, that's awesome as well as the book recommendations! I honestly haven't been able to find much literature supporting the ins and outs of modular synthesis, there's a book by Kim Bjorn and Chris Meyer entitled "Patch and Tweak: Exploring Modular Synthesis" that seems like a more recent publication that could be helpful too...

I can't thank you enough for your words of guidance and suggestion, it's incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!