My advice for you would be to focus less on the actual modules - what each one can/cannot do and instead, try to hold off on buying things and get on VCV Rack. Since VCV (DAW that follows the rules of modular) is free and many manufacturers offer virtual versions of their real-world modules, it is an excellent way to learn. Or if you already have VCV, spend more time on it.

Based on your posts, I'd recommend you really get to know how voltage works in modular by using attenuators, attenuverters, offsets, and other essential utilities in your explorations on VCV - you simply won't get good results from the various racks you've been posting without them.

Check out Omri Cohen's YouTube and Patreon for an insane amount of content that covers all of this. And for books, try "An Individual Note" by Daphne Oram". "Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques and Controls" is another 'bible' for modular and is finally getting re-printed soon (Nov maybe) thanks to a Kickstarter.

Hope that helps and apologies if this comes of patronizing - everyone goes through the same journey really, myself included!