No...I know the BCR32 is going to come out. And that's actually important, as they did collaborate with the people who did the ZAQuencer firmware for the old BCR2000, so it should function along those lines. It's something I'm waiting for PROVIDED it doesn't turn out to be one of Uli's BS product info drops.

But's a Prophet VS oscillator, which is key to the sound of the P-VS. You lose the polyphony here, but you apparently retain the rest of the bits that make this a killer VCO. As for the "Soul", though...I was intrigued until I saw what they were touting as "prototypes", which just look ugly and fun to play!

One of the big problems here is Behringer itself...and not merely Uli. Their practices of ginning up customer interest with these "teasers" is, ultimately, annoying and a tad deceptive, particularly when one of these teasers drops and gets everyone all hot and bothered about something that won't be in stores for perhaps YEARS. If even then! Just another fine example of how Tribe really doesn't give a flying f**k about communicating the real info or whether or not the synth-buying public is annoyed at these antics. They need to double down on getting projects out the door instead of showing us renders of something "conceptual".

F'rinstance, they've apparently now got a Buchla Easel retread, it's got a price tag, pics, blahblahblah...and it's just as likely to be out in 2032 rather than 2022. I might get it...but Uli's heading into MY turf here, having used a 200/300 hybrid system back in the 1990s. If it's not up to snuff, I'll be PISSED.