This will be my current 6U RackBrute, once the Chainsaw arrives. Didn't occur to me to check the power limits and I fear I may be over the 1,600 +12V. (Modgrid says the +12V line is 1,686).

I'm also not sure which is row 1 and which is row 2 - the RackBrute manual doesn't really make this super clear...

I don't have a good understanding of electric power, so I'm not sure if I'm reading the RackBrute manual correctly. If it is over the limit, it's not a huge problem as I'm planning to get a 3U at some point, just not right away.

Far as rack design goes, I'm not going bigger than a 6U and 3U anytime soon because there is not enough space in our small Brooklyn apt! I lean on VCVrack for everything else (VCV Host with the free Supermassive plugin is awesome). The 3U will be mostly about logic and time modulation, but likely a mix of duties, to mix up the power demand I guess.

Anyhow, I digress. Just checking to see if I'm about to encounter some problems. Thanks!