holy crap... thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!
The three row logic makes sense, and even as a beginner, I can recognise most modules.
Also good advice on the 2600. We could swap it for the M32, but the lack of a "traditional" sequencer might be an issue. Also the boss has an aversion to anything Behringer, but I could always make a case for buying the Korg FS.
On "losing" the palette, I hear you, but mobility is a requirement. Other than class teaching, we do some community workshops, and would need to take it along. Perhaps splitting it over two palettes would be an idea?
We have ways to limit the risk; the studio's keys need to be booked by individual students, and most hallways are CCTV'd. Dystopian, I know.. yet another joy of academia..

Thanks again for the advice. I'll go put on my best smile before telling the boss we need to double the budget.