
So lately I've been trying to create patches with this thing solely inside the box. I understand that it's a small rack, and limited in capability in many areas. But I've seen so many videos of people who seem to be pulling much more interesting stuff out of similarly sized setups. I'm thinking of switching a few things up. But before I do that, I wanted to pick the brains of the much more experienced here and just kind of get some idea on how y'all would go about patching something up using only whats in the box here.

One of the main things that is starting to bug me, is that I feel like I've become too heavily reliant on rings, and I'm getting sick of how it sounds. Having trouble pulling more than just the stereotypical rings type sounds out of it. Surely it's capable of more interesting sounds using something I already have here? Maybe?

Also, I really want to love the SMR, but I can't really figure out a good use for it other than running the STO through it. As its own voice, I have not had much luck pulling any kind of varying timbres/sounds of it.

So I've been thinking of ditching the rings, clouds and SMR (and possibly the STO as well) and swapping in more stuff that takes up less place...any suggestions as to what I should check out? For reference, I enjoy the more uplifting, beautiful sounding ambient stuff, but lately I've had the desire to create more evil, dark sounding horror/scifi flick soundscapes. Am I missing anything crucial utility-wise for that sort of thing? Really open to general suggestions, feedback or slaps on the wrist

Apologies in advance if this question wasn't worded great, kind of having a hard time articulating what I'd like to ask but decided to just put it out there the best I could :^)