Hi, and thank you for your reply !
everything you offer me reassures me, because if you look at my rack projects you will find equivalent modules!
I got stuck on the BIA for a long time, but after watching a few videos, I found the sy 0.5 to be more versatile and tame, and adding Viol Ruina to it, I think it can be even crazier.
Why not adding A Noise Ingeneering voice instead of the Plaits 😉
As a modulation source / utility, the mutable instruments stages seems clearer to me than Maths for a beginner, what do you think?
I am also interested in the Intelligel quad VCA which can perform the functions of VCA and mixing, so quite close to your recommandations.
Finally I was on the right track;)
Thanks a lot for the rack, I'm studying this. 😉
Concerning the rack, I can go bigger once this one is full. First I searched the 6U, but no used one is available for the moment.
