I would have to recommend a few different configurations in the same 20hp that Maths takes up. I have Maths, but I think there are better solutions for most people (myself included). Batumi, Zadar, Joranalogue Contour, Happy Nerding 3xMIA for attenuverting/mixing duties... As the track you posted features a lot of lo-fi vocoding and noise, I would suggest considering a Disting MkIV or Disting EX for a boatload of functionality (including vocoder, filters, effects, LFOs, etc.) in a small space. I use a MkIV for vocoding with the A119 and an Acid Rain Chainsaw for a similar effect as the track posted. Noise generators are pretty easy to find too. The Bastl Noise Square looks like a good small option (5hp).
Have fun and good luck!