Hy @Lugia!
Thrilled about your response. Thanks, man! I especially like your focus on the richness of the sound!

Can I follow up on a few things?
(everyone else: feel free to join in, too!)
How does MI's Links compare to the 2hp mixer? As far as I understood, the Links provides also a 3:1 mixer - on top of a buffered mult and an adder.
What are your experience with XAOC's Zadar as a quad EG - that would even double the number of available envelopes, wouldn't it?
Wavefolding: Is this a function that would be non-negotiable for my setup?
Also, did you come across Malekko's Quad VCA? If I'd get the Varigate-Voltage Block-Combo, it supposes to pair well with both (@farkas What are your thoughts?)
Finally, I believe the 4ms Listen4 (Quarters) should work as both a stereo mixer AND Line Out. Am I right?

In any case: Thank you all so far already for your invaluable support.