Why all the compressors, though? That seems to make little sense. Yes, I can understand that you want a degree of dynamic control, but that's what VCAs are for in a modular environment. Mashing the dynamic range will just sound like crap, especially since you've got compressed signals being compressed even FURTHER by yet another compressor.

Electronically-generated sounds obtain much of their impact through having the massive dynamic range that they normally do. A bass hit that swings from -80 dB up to 0 and back with a hard attack will bang WAY harder than one that's been mashed down to a 20 dB window. Normally, compression is what you use to get peaky signals under control, so this implementation seems pretty pointless to me. Leave the compression for mixing.

Also, put the DFAM back in its powered skiff. I know this arrangement seems convenient, but it's very cost-ineffective to take a device that already has a rack and power and remove it from that...to put it into a different rack and on a different P/S. You're paying for that twice, and I'm betting that if the DFAM cost $700+ up front, you wouldn't have bought it. But that's exactly what this does to it. Leave Eurorack cabs for things that require Eurorack cabs. Same goes for the SV-1 if you still have its skiff.