TBH, you're making this more difficult than it should be by having that PICO System III in the Eurorack case instead of its own case. That eats up far too much panel space for something that's already got a cab and power on its own. By taking that out and putting it back where it belongs, you then have ample room for modules that will work to expand this AND which can be big enough to be easily controllable and well-featured. Another consideration would be to remove anything that doesn't have clear and apparent functionality; while o-scopes are nice if you're doing complex sound design where you need to know waveform content, they're pretty much pointless for a gigging instrument. Lose that, then you have space for the clocking, etc that's on the Intellijel Noise Tools tile...which, fwiw, is a far more functional and essential module than the Zeroscope.