Hi Skarpa,

There are thousands of modules so to give you an advice for which modules you want/need is very difficult here. Not sure if you meant for us to have a look at your 0 Coast Plus rack, which I just did. I see a combination of some very large modules and some very small modules (2hp). Do you really require 2 expert sleepers disting modules? Keep in mind when you use a lot of small modules that it might be difficult to get in a comfortable way to the knobs, i.e. difficult to access your small modules.

I understand that budget might be an issue, it always is ;-) However your rack is very small, perhaps save money on one or two of those fancy and big modules, use standard stuff first to start with and get yourself a bigger rack so you don't have issues with it as soon as you want to add a module to your existing rack? It's just an idea. Instead of those big modules I would consider to start with, for example, a Behringer Neutron or something like that, that saves you space in your rack and gives you some basic components you might require. Other than the Maths, I miss a few ADSRs and other than the Braids I miss some oscillators as well. I realised that myself just last weekend that you just can't have enough oscillators. Perhaps one or two LFOs as well? Or are you going to use your Maths and/or Disting modules for that? But if they act like LFOs or ADSRs, you are still going to miss some "boring" standard modules. I know it's a big puzzle that's difficult to solve. Getting yourself a bigger rack and wait with one or two of the bigger modules might solve a bit your big puzzle though.

Coming to the 0-coast, I just had this tested last weekend in combination with my Eurorack system and it just perfectly fits well together with the Eurorack system. It's fully compatible and I had no problems using it together with my setup. So if that was your concern, well that's no problem at all :-)

It's just such a pity that the 0-coast by its default delivery can't be transferred into the Eurorack case itself (though if you search on the Internet you will find ways of still getting that done), however other than that, it goes very well together with your Eurorack equipment and I loved the sound that comes out of a 0-coast, very nice!

Good luck with the planning phase and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads