4U000 - 1NMW Blank, 4U004 - Event, 4U009 - QWS, 4U023 - VCO and 4U011 - Dual VCA are among 4UShops most popular products.
dual pulse sequencer
1 unit wide blank panel
alternative panel for the NLC Hypster Chaos
limited run TKB
alternative panel for the first MTM Turing Machine
pingable event generator
mixer, with different configuration possibilities
voltage controlled digital oscillator
USB-MIDI interface
voltage controlled ADSR
quad waveshaper
balanced modulator
dual VCA
dual processor
active processor
dual voltage controlled slope
vintage gate
vintage ring modulator
vintage Arp VCF
classic analogue VCO
voltage controlled lo-fi, digital delay
quad comparator
peak and trough
limited run, Arduino based sequencer
resonant EQ
triple bi-directional router
dual mixer
random pattern generator
euclidean gate sequencer
4 channel, 16 stage programmer/sequencer
variable Q vcf
variable bandwidth vcf
variable slope vcf
the original 1973 voltage controlled filter with mods
ssg, noise and dual universal slope generator
new timbral oscillator
universal audio processor
triple wave multipliers
dual 8 step baby sequencer