2 Col
76 mm deep

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

voltage controlled ADSR

The VCADSR is based around the Electruc Druic EnvGen8 chip - the schematic is an adaptation of the datasheet schematic, with some minor modifications.
The VCADSR offers amazing features, like (from the chips datasheet):

  • 1ms to 10s range
  • ADSR, gated looping and LFO modes
  • exponential and linear envelopes
  • gate and trigger inputs
  • 8bit CV resolution
  • full CV control

chip is available directly from Electric Druid or from vendors (BanzaiMusic)
no parts, just the PCB - LW format panel is available


submitted Jul 31st, 06:42 by encoderaudio | last Change Aug 10th, 14:06 by encoderaudio
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