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News from the Labs all of them

Klavis Quadigy
29 Aug 2024 Klavis
The Quadigy - quad programmable envelope generator - gets a new firmware V1.27 - Update your Quadigy by simply playing an audio file without unscrewing the module from its case. File available on the Klavis website. Enjoy. 
Klavis Tweakers
10 Jan 2024 Klavis
The swiss army knife (Dual gain/offset/polarity/mute CV processor) is now available in black in every part of the world : List of retailers : 
Klavis Grainity
9 Jan 2024 Klavis
Our Grainity (Digitally-controlled full-analog granular + multimode VCF) is now available in silver and black in every part of the world : 
Klavis Quadigy (Black panel)
5 Jan 2024 Klavis
Our quad 7 stage enveloppe is now available in black and available in every part of the world :  
Klavis Grainity
21 Dec 2023 Klavis
Now available in the shops worldwide ! - The first and only granular VCF. Available in silver and black versions ! - More info : - Full coverage video : 
Klavis Grainity
24 May 2023 Klavis
Manuals: English, Deutsch, Français. Discover how an Analog Granular Filter is made possible! Download it and read it in your language :-) 
Klavis Grainity
10 May 2023 Klavis
With the availability of the Grainity in a few days, it might be time to have look at its User Manual. Discover the uniqueness of Klavis' analog granular VCF ! Pre-orders are open. 
10 Feb 2023 Klavis
Klavis auf Deutsch ! Our manuals are now available in German. Klavis-Benutzerhandbücher sind jetzt auf der Website in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Der Markt für modulare Synthesizer wird demokratischer und erreicht ein weniger technisch versiertes Publikum. Damit die englische Sprachbarriere nicht zu Lernschwierigkeiten beiträgt, haben wir uns auf die Übersetzung unserer Handbücher konzentriert. 
Klavis Tweakers
9 Jan 2023 Klavis
A new must in the CV utility domain: The Klavis Tweakers, a dual channel gain/offset/polarity/mute/mixer companion for fine adjusting your modulations. It comes handy for audio purposes too. Available now ! 
Klavis Twin Waves MkII
17 Dec 2021 Klavis
Twin Waves update 1.35 allows octave selection independently for the two oscillators. This firmware update is available on Think of downloading the updated user manual V1.1. - 
Klavis Quadigy
23 Aug 2021 Klavis
The flagship quad envelope generator gets a firmware update. Now V1.23 brings various fixes and subtle improvements. Thank to Rainer for the feedback ;-) 
Klavis Quadigy
19 Apr 2021 Klavis
New firmware 1.22. The changes: 1. The Global Time setting percentage now acts on the displayed time for every other setting involved. - 2. In cycle mode, the duration of each setting is now shown as a percentage. Settings are balanced among themselves to fill 100%. - These improvements are only display changes but I believe they will make the Quadigy even more easier to use. 
Klavis Logica XT
3 Mar 2021 Klavis
Updated user manual V1.3 - The Coin Toss function gets a table listing the odds when feeding more than one input at once. There is also a drawing to explain the practical use of the Patten Delay capability. 
Klavis CalTrans
20 Jan 2021 Klavis
An update of the CalTrans manual is out. This version 1.5 corrects a mistake in the input calibration procedure description. There are several clarifications too (it's good to reread oneself after a while :-) Downloads at 
Klavis CalTrans
25 Jun 2020 Klavis
New firmware for the CalTrans. Version 1.17 offers: * User editable input scaling to match sources that don't generate perfect 1V per octave signals. * Complete rewrite of the main processing with higher precision. * ... and the unavoidable fixes and tweaks ;-) The updated user manual 1.4 is much expanded with operations described in exquisite details :-) Downloads at 
Klavis Mixwitch
27 Jan 2020 Klavis
The updated manual presents 18 applications. NEW: Digital inverter, Voltage window comparator, Drum selector, Random clocking – Chance generator, Two-input AND / NAND gate, Two-input XOR gate – Digital ring-modulator, Saw to PWM with CV control, Hard clipping; Besides: CV mixer, Audio mixer, Four step sequencer/randomizer, Sub-octaves generator, Granular synthesis, Multiple-segment waveshaper, Phase-controlled wave-stitcher, VC transposer 
Klavis Quadigy
22 Dec 2019 Klavis
Quadigy firmware 1.10 brings both requested and unexpected features. Due to its success, the Quadigy is sold out in our stock but hopefully still available at retailers. Check them out quickly, next ones won't be available before the end of February. A new video by Martin Doudoroff covers the Preset control by CV/trig and the Morphing between presets. 
Klavis Flexshaper
21 Dec 2019 Klavis
The Flexshaper is a voltage mapper and parametric waveshaper. Five settings allow you to fold/expand/clip/compress/invert partially or completely any CV or audio signal. The module can act as an envelope-shaping tool, frequency multiplier, waveshaper, clipper, distortion, limiter, curve changer, and more. Five CV inputs offer limitless control over the placement of the voltage points for dynamic signal sculpting. 
Klavis CalTrans
14 May 2019 Klavis
Having trouble playing your VCOs in tune? Would you like to easily transpose them via semitone and octave encoders? Would love making some oscillating gizmos play in tune as if they were designed for perfect V/Oct tracking? The Klavis CalTrans is here to make your life easier. It corrects and expands the V/Oct curve of up to 4 target modules (VCO or else), it offers portamento, glissando, quantizer, and presets. 
Klavis Twin waves
16 Mar 2019 Klavis
Firmware update 1.33! Our flagship Dual VCO/LFO gets even better. We've added new scales to the quantizers (yes, there are 2 quantizers). You can now reset your module to factory default settings. We have also completely upgraded the Base Note handling. Puzzled? we have expanded the User Manual! It now includes tables for all LED meanings and buttons use in every context. Thanks to the community for all the feedback; we love you! 
Klavis Logica XT
10 Sep 2018 Klavis
The Logica XT is the upgraded version of the Logica Gater. There ares 5 new functions for a total of 14, with some never seen before. Users can now define the polarity of the manual button. Pulses become time adjustable. The digital sample & hold has a 5000 step delay line. Processing rate it is 10 times audio rate. User settings are automatically stored in non-volatile memory. 
Klavis Twin waves
28 Nov 2017 Klavis
Update 1.24 allows any combination of algorithms in the two oscillators. This is the full-featured implementation we worked hard to deliver. Thank you for the feedback and kind words from our supporters. 
Klavis Twin waves
11 Oct 2017 Klavis
Firmware update 1.20 brings two new features: VCA capability is the unexpected and apparently very welcome one! The other feature concerns the user interface: it is now possible to lock the settings of tuning pots independently in each osc. This was requested by users plyaing tonal music and wanting to preserve those fine settings. As usual, the update is done by simply playing an audio file through the front panel. Enjoy! 
Klavis Twin waves
27 Jun 2017 Klavis
Firmware update 1.13 brings new scales to the Twin Waves quantizers and it is now possible to see the full name of scales with the usual scrolling help. Get it here: On an unrelated note, did you know that in LFO mode, using external clock, the wave cycle can be several days long ? That's thank to the clock divider that goes to 64. 
Klavis Logica Gater
22 Jun 2017 Klavis
New video review and full featured patching craziness of Klavis' Logica Gater voltage controlled logic module. Congratulations to Marcin from Color My Sound for the good work. 
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