News from the Labs all of them

Klavis Twin waves
18 May 2017 Klavis
Firmware update V1.11 New features: Audio algo selection by CV control, Quantizer's base note by CV and manually, Relative/Absolute setting of the slave osc. in Self-Sync algos, Indication of secondary settings by pulsing LEDs. /// Improvements and fixes: Cleaner algos for all self-sync, Quantizer stability with CV control, Various subtle tweaks 
Klavis Twin waves
8 Mar 2017 Klavis
Klavis is a new name in the modular scene. Our focus is on versatile designs with intuitive interface. The driving idea behind the Twin waves Voltage-controlled Dual Oscillator/LFO is to offer two interesting oscillators in a skiff-friendly and compact size. To achieve that challenge, we built the product’s architecture on the concept of pre-defined algorithms, where the most useful configurations and their matching parameter are ready to use. 
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