News from the Labs all of them

21 Dec 2012 ModularGrid
I am excited if you guys will like the new feature "Command Center"! It is in beta state, but which things in life are not? 
21 Dec 2012 ModularGrid
This is the shiny new "News from the Labs" section. Manufacturers are able to post news about their modules here! If you are a manufacturer contact me so I can assign your profile. 
21 Dec 2012 ModularGrid
It will look like the posts from those funny Spinal Cat Modular guys :) 
Spinal Cat Modular Meaow  (Prototype)
12 Dec 2012 Spinal Cat Modular
We are working on a Cat Oscillator device which is based on a design from Rolf Klein. Features a triangle core and a Rolandson trigger.  
Spinal Cat Modular 7 lifes - Surprised Cat
12 Dec 2012 Spinal Cat Modular
Just finished the concept art for the new 7 Lifes "Surprised Cat Blind Panel". We hope you wigglers will like it.