I found 1656 threads containing because in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
  How to use Markdown ModularGrid by 1 291
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7839
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2362
Do we really need a fourm? ModularGrid by 7 13
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 390
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9821
TrueGrid Not Working ModularGrid by 9 53
Allow Variants Of a Single Rack Rather Than Duplicating Racks ModularGrid by 5 2
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26984
Posters? ModularGrid by 2 2
manufacturer-approved module with misleading tags ModularGrid by 3 34
 How to get listed as a manufacturer ModularGrid by 11 3849
5 Rows Rack not possible? ModularGrid by 5 608
New retina/highres module images look insane. Good work! ModularGrid by 5 6
snapshot question ModularGrid by 11 151
CSS Fixes for usability ModularGrid by 4 2
How to deal with dubious traders? ModularGrid by 13 312
Pedalgrid ModularGrid by 12 610
Adding plugs in PedalGrid? ModularGrid by 3 13
The 'shopping list' feature ModularGrid by 4 21
An idea to de-clutter the forum ModularGrid by 12 34
Add "Synthesis Technology" as MU Manufacturer ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 6 11
Free State FX Macro Digital Oscillator: Display Conundrum ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 5 5
Studio Electronics Toolbar ModularGrid by 4 18
user [xyz] continuously harassing me / making misogynist comments ModularGrid by 2 22
Cropped module graphics ModularGrid by 6 9
What happened to TrueGrid? ModularGrid by 5 141
Should we make modules unlisted by default? ModularGrid by 6 56
Add information to modules? ModularGrid by 7 160
Module API or data dump? ModularGrid by 6 514
Suggestion: Similar modules ModularGrid by 3 64
No modules in Racks? Search broken? Check Adblocker! ModularGrid by 3 49
Feature Request: "Sketch a Patch" for Pedalboards ModularGrid by 1 18
New option, 19" racks! ModularGrid by 6 270
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7280
List of spam users ModularGrid by 3 73
Modulargrid bugs on iOS ModularGrid by 4 53
View module price history ModularGrid by 3 130
Modular: do you need it? Really? ModularGrid by 8 534
site certificate error ModularGrid by 4 31
Feature Request: Module Consolidation ModularGrid by 5 118
Feature to disable keyboard shortcuts ModularGrid by 14 156
Replace pots Make Noise Maths ModularGrid by 43 844
UK Option in Marketplace ModularGrid by 26 295
Hey...new banner ad! ModularGrid by 6 104
Please remove DELETE from key commands! ModularGrid by 10 161
Modules disappearing from rack ModularGrid by 4 85
Please, please, please how do I get rid of that @&^% cat? ModularGrid by 20 811
Marketplace notifications for uk buyers ModularGrid by 1 21
Why is there 168 HP limit in MG ? ModularGrid by 5 205
feadback for my first eurorack. ModularGrid by 20 426
Thonk is not the manufacturer of Dannysound modules. Dannysound is. ModularGrid by 11 162
Darkmode/Layout - Issues with new design ModularGrid by 37 490
Request to add options to Function / Secondary Function ModularGrid by 5 95
Feedback on GRAVEMIND please ModularGrid by 4 63
Electrical Noise on rack ModularGrid by 10 239
Feature request: Checkbox for 1U size format (Intellijel VS Pulp Logic) ModularGrid by 18 258
Is it possible to add self made modules/placeholders? ModularGrid by 3 82
Vendor Shortlist? ModularGrid by 3 25
Rename Serge universe to 4U? ModularGrid by 9 85
which price to list? ModularGrid by 3 57
Search as Sell post on Marketplace ModularGrid by 3 54
Payment methods on marketplace ModularGrid by 10 302
Panel Versions / Module Editing ModularGrid by 6 450
Electric Trick / Power zones? ModularGrid by 4 70
Module Rack Track ModularGrid by 4 62
Needing to update modules locked in virtue of being approved by manufacturer ModularGrid by 5 72
Thoughts on upcoming Tiptop Buchla releases vs. existing modules ModularGrid by 6 168
Idea: flip modules 90 degrees, allow stacking ModularGrid by 8 394
Keep old panel versions in existing racks ModularGrid by 2 71
Reasons for setting ALL racks to private ModularGrid by 17 590
Unjustified thumbs down from a user I never had a transaction with ModularGrid by 1 97
UX ModularGrid by 2 47
Lock Module Image? ModularGrid by 5 77
Headphones... What are you using? ModularGrid by 6 106
Is this an information site? ModularGrid by 15 563
the name of my company is not allowed? ModularGrid by 5 176
Builder's note unexpected behavior ModularGrid by 3 53
Package lost. Refund legit? ModularGrid by 32 685
Problem with the Email server ModularGrid by 1 24
Abusive interactions on Marketplace ModularGrid by 2 63
Bulcha vs euro ModularGrid by 2 46
see which m0dules from my modules are in use in other racks ModularGrid by 4 164
Gearslutz Rant Modular Discussions by 2 14
Help Modular Discussions by 8 24
Where to start...noob need advice ;) Modular Discussions by 5 55
Moog Sub 37 Meets Euro Rack Modular Discussions by 8 316
I am jinxed. Modular Discussions by 5 12
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
What Amplification system is best? Modular Discussions by 5 4
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
Am I missing the point of modular? Modular Discussions by 9 220
Drone Modular Modular Discussions by 8 235
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10
Mother-32 complimentary rack Modular Discussions by 2 54
Starter drums Modular Discussions by 7 56
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1039
Examples for study: monosynths that people will kill you for to this day Modular Discussions by 9 66
Useful musical references: some early electronic (pre-synth, more or less) works Modular Discussions by 1 29