MIDI Controlled Arpeggiator
Octave knob: Selects between a 1-4 octave range (MIDI CC#17)
Rate knob: If synced with a MIDI clock, it will divide the tempo accordingly:
1-1- Whole
1-2- Half
1-4 - Quarter
1-8 - Eighth
1-8T - Eighth Triplet
1-16 - Sixteenth
1-16T - Sixteenth Triplet
1-32 - Thirty-Second
(MIDI CC#16)
V/Octave Out (0 -10V)
Hz/Volt Out (0 - 5V)
Gate Out (5V)
Clk In: Bypasses MIDI-clock messages to use an external clock source .
Directional switch: Arpeggiates Up, Down, and Up/Down (MIDI CC#18)
Sync Switch: If no external clock source is available (MIDI or analog), flipping to the FREE position will prompt it to use it's own internal clock. Use the Rate knob to increase the speed.
Arp / Mono Switch: Turns the arpeggiator off to turn it into a basic MIDI-to-CV converter.
This module is discontinued.