LCF Industries - ARP-8 Other/unknown Eurorack

MIDI Controlled Arpeggiator

  • Octave knob: Selects between a 1-4 octave range (MIDI CC#17)

  • Rate knob: If synced with a MIDI clock, it will divide the tempo accordingly:
    1-1- Whole
    1-2- Half
    1-4 - Quarter
    1-8 - Eighth
    1-8T - Eighth Triplet
    1-16 - Sixteenth
    1-16T - Sixteenth Triplet
    1-32 - Thirty-Second
    (MIDI CC#16)

  • V/Octave Out (0 -10V)

  • Hz/Volt Out (0 - 5V)

  • Gate Out (5V)

  • Clk In: Bypasses MIDI-clock messages to use an external clock source .

  • Directional switch: Arpeggiates Up, Down, and Up/Down (MIDI CC#18)

  • Sync Switch: If no external clock source is available (MIDI or analog), flipping to the FREE position will prompt it to use it's own internal clock. Use the Rate knob to increase the speed.

  • Arp / Mono Switch: Turns the arpeggiator off to turn it into a basic MIDI-to-CV converter.

  • 52 mA +12V
  • ? mA -12V
  • ? mA 5V

This module is discontinued.
