Quad LFO-Ring
4 LFOs arranged in a Ring.
Each one can be modulated by the one before or the one after.
This LFO produces everything from independ (and boring) Trianglewaves to rhythmic or even dancing Signals and erratic Randomsignals in the (very) Low Frequency Range.
Triangle- and Square Wave-Output per LFO.
Output Level: +5V...-5V
4 Knobs with exponential Curve for Rate (Frequency):
LFO1: 0,0025Hz ... 6Hz (0,0025Hz -> 400sec./cycle)
LFO2: 0,0025Hz ... 6Hz
LFO3: 0,001Hz ... 1.5Hz (0,001Hz -> 1000sec./cycle)
LFO4: 0,001Hz ... 1.5Hz
4 Knobs for Modulation Index
Seed: Input for Frequency Modulation of LFO1 and LFO3
Sigma: 4 Knobs for Mixing the 4 Squarewaves - resulting in a Signal similar to those of a S/H.
(Actually 3 existing Modules)
Available as an assembled module and as a DIY project.
This module is a prototype or in a concept phase.