Noise v8 Reverse Landfill Eurorack

Noise Oscillator

The newest version of the Noise module!

Noise! has got 4 knobs for frequency, 4 CV inputs, 4 outputs, an internal patchbay, range jumpers for OSC1 and OSC2 and several modding possibilities.

This new v8 PCB & panel don’t need any wiring and are suitable for shallow cases.

The Synth is based on 4 Squarewave oscillators that modulate each other, go through a clock divider and are mixed together to create harsh noise and random control voltage.

The result is often unpredictable and evolving, suitable a source for snares, hi-hats or as ‘unpure’ audio texture designs.

When the range jumpers are placed, a whole new beast appears.

Chaotic structured beats, noise rhythms and artifacts are spitted out.

(sound examples “patch1” and “patch2” )

  • 19 mA +12V
  • 0 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 35 mm Depth

Available as an assembled module and as a DIY project.

This module is discontinued.

8 HP Noise