AM8060 JP6 Multi-Mode VCF
This module is a clone of the Roland Jupiter 6 voltage controlled filter which comprises two 2-pole OTA filters in series, and was launched in 1983. Each 2-pole filter can be switched into either Low Pass or High Pass modes providing three VCF modes all with variable resonance:
24dB Low Pass Filter
24dB High Pass Filter
12dB Band Pass Filter
The AM8060 module uses the original Roland IR3109 OTA chip as the core of the filter.
The filter response of both 2-pole filters can be manually switched between low and high pass 24dB modes, and when the filters are set to Low and High you get the 12dB Band Pass. I could have added 12dB outputs, but that would have meant more PCB space and its packed already to fit into my standard 80 x 100mm.
The module has the following front panel controls:
Signal Input Level (x3)
CV Level (x2)
Push Button (x2) - filter modes
This module is discontinued.