ENVF Feedback Eurorack

Envelope Follower

This is an envelope follower based on a classic module from the seventies but with some improvements to suit modern needs.
The IN signal is bifurcated to the envelope follower circuit and also to a THRU output, so the original signal is also available for external processing.
The envelope follower has three controls, a switch to select response time (fast, medium, slow), a pot to adjust GATE threshold and a pot to adjust the envelope CV level.
This little module will help you shape the timbre and/or the level envelopes of your sounds. From dynamic envelope filtering to compressor like side chaining there are lots of possibilities to mangle your audio.


  • 18 mA +12V
  • 16 mA -12V
  • ? mA 5V
  • 35 mm Depth

Available as an assembled module and as a DIY project.

This module is currently available.
