Dual 3340 based VCO
Module by Ground Grown Circuits
Dual 3340 Based VCO
20hp, 38mm Deep
Inputs: 2x Volt per Octave CV, 2x Frequency Modulation, 2x Pulse Width Modulation, 1x Shape Modulation, 2x Sync
Outputs: 2x Triangle, 2x Ramp, 2x Saw, 1x Shape, 2x Pulse
Controls: 2x Coarse Frequency, 2x Fine Frequency, 2x Pulse Width, 1x Shape, 2x FM Amount, 2x PWM Amount, 1x Shape CV Amount, 1x Osc2->Osc1 Mod Amount, 1x Osc2->Osc1 Mod Source Switch, 1x Sync Osc2->Osc1 Switch, 1x Link V/O1 to Osc2 Switch, 2x VCO/LFO Switch
Double oscillator with self modulation options. 2->1 Mod allows FM of Osc 1 from Triangle or Pulse of Osc 2 with no patching. V/O Link switch adds the CV from V/O input 1 to V/O input 2 (not normalled, so link switch and V/O 2 can be used simultaneously). Shape CV input and PWM1 input are both normalled to Triangle 2 output. Sync 2 input is normalled to Sync 2->1 Switch, so plugging into this input overrides switch position.
Available as an assembled module and as a DIY project.
This module is discontinued.