uO_c / micro Ornament and Crime Sylph Modular Eurorack

Multipurpose CV-combiner. With double sided panel!

uO_c contains variety of so called apps - algorithms that can be selected at any time and dictate module behavior. Here they are:

  • CopierMaschine a quantizing four-stage analog shift register (ASR).
  • Harrington 1200 provides basic neo-Riemannian Tonnetz transformations of triadic chords.
  • Automatonnetz combines Tonnetz transforms with a “vector” sequencer — it can be both a chord sequencer and a melody sequencer, but not of the usual kind.
  • Quantermain is a quad pitch quantizer for external voltages or internal sources, with editable scales and many other options.
  • Meta-Q is a dual-channel quantiser, similar to Quantermain, but also offering scale and note mask sequencing.
  • Quadraturia is a wavetable quadrature LFO.
  • Low-rents is a dual Lorenz and Rössler (strange attractor) modulation generator.
  • Piqued is a quad voltage-controlled envelope generator with voltage control, self-triggering, and a wide array of options.
  • Sequins is a dual-channel step sequencer offering 4 “tracks” of up to 16 steps each; tracks can themselves be sequenced.
  • Dialectic Ping Pong is a quad bouncing ball envelope generator.
  • Viznutcracker, sweet! is a quad “byte beat” equation generator, which can be used as an audio source to generate 8-bit noises and tunes, or control voltage sequences.
  • Acid Curds is both a chord quantizer, and a chord progression sequencer.
  • References is a utility app that outputs specific reference voltages on each channel to help tune or calibrate VCOs and other modules. It also includes a high-precision frequency meter and note tuner.
    All detailed info you can find carefully explained on official website

Module is calibrated with high-precision multimeter with a resolution of 6000 samples. It comes with double side panel which you can flip any time according to your mood. Only original parts from authorized distributors and manufactures are used.

Panel design by Sylph Modular and KOSKO


  • 85 mA +12V
  • 10 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 30 mm Depth

This module is currently available.
