This Module is currently available.
Texture Synthesizer
TLM Audio introduces the classic mutable series.
GRAINS is a perfect 1:1 clone of the Mutable Instruments Clouds module.
It is built, calibrated and tested with the highest quality standarts.
The Module is built and assembled in germany and comes ready installed with the newest firmware.
Audio buffer acquisition
Stereo I/O. Even with a mono recording buffer, a wide stereo output can still be simulated by randomly panning grains or through the stereo reverberator.
Stereo pre-amp with a gain range covering modular and line levels.
Recording buffer size: 1s (32kHz, stereo) to 8s (16kHz, µ-law, mono).
The FREEZE button and the corresponding gate input freezes the content of the recording buffer, allowing you to dive into its sonic details.
4 memory slots for storing and recalling buffers.
Granular synthesis
Grain generation time base: periodical, randomized, or externally clocked.
The POSITION knob selects from which part of the recording buffer the grains are extracted.
Grain size from 16ms to 1s.
Up to 40 to 60 concurrent grains (depending on recording buffer resolution).
Transposition from -2 octaves to +2 octaves, with V/O tracking.
Grain envelope continuously variable between boxcar, triangle and Hann functions.
CV inputs for all grain parameters, individually sampled and held by each grain. For stochastic, Xenakis-style explorations, try feeding random voltages to those!
Diffusion network with 4 All-pass filters to post process the granularized signals.
Post-processing ("blending") settings
4 post-processing parameters are controlled by the BLEND knob and CV input:
Dry/wet balance.
Random panning amount.
Feedback amount.
Reverb amount.
Input impedances: 100k.
Audio input gain range: line level to modular level.
CV range: +/- 5V. CVs outside of this range are simply clipped.
Internal processing: 32kHz, 32-bit floating point. RAM Recording buffer uses 16-bit (high quality) or 8-bit µ-law (low quality) resolution.
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