14 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$195 Price in €

This Module is currently available.


Simulates the process of modulating and demodulating a signal for radio transmission
Effect or complex oscillator (non v/oct)
Voltage controlled aliasing, distortion, and frequency modulation effects
Two wide ranging voltage controlled square wave oscillators with individual outputs
CARRIER oscillator converts input into high frequency pulse train
DEMODULATOR oscillator inside control loop brings sound back to audio range
CV applies external voltage control to oscillators or uses input signal as audio rate FM
Internal oscillators can be replaced with external modulation sources
TYPE selects demodulation loop type (changes timbre and response)
ERROR output with threshold control
TONE control for filtering out the harshest of frequencies
All analog design
14 HP
Power requirements :+12V 40mA, -12V 30mA


Ø 3.82 (11 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Mar 2nd 2018, 02:02 by HypatiasAngst | last Change May 30th 2022, 17:00 by theraraavis

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Control VoltageMidwest ModularControlDetroit ModularThree Wave MusicPerfect Circuit


Nightlife ElectronicsTechnoSynth instruments


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?