Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
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Dual Euclidean Sequencer
Στοιχεῖα is a dual Euclidean Sequencer. It algorithmically generates rhythmic sequences from an input trigger signal.
The name (Στοιχεῖα, Stoicheia, or Elements) comes from the title of Euclid’s book Elements in which the algorithm was first described.
Each sequence is controlled by a column of three knobs and a switch. The input parameters to the algorithm are sequence length and fills.
The length of the sequence, measured in clocks or beats, is controlled by the second knob from the top. The range goes from 1 (fully counter clockwise) to 16 (fully clockwise), with 8 in the centre position.
The number of fills, or on-beats, is set by the third knob. In fully counter-clockwise position, this is set to 1. Centre position will set every other beat ‘on’, or 50% . Fully clockwise sets every beat ‘on’, in other words: the number of fills are equal to the sequence length.
The top knob adjusts which beat the sequence starts on – and hence resets to. In its centre position, the sequence will start on its first step. The start position can be changed by turning the top knob left or right: this will have the effect of rotating the sequence left or right, respectively.
Provided as a kit by Befaco Synths.
The updated version of Stoicheia does not require 5V rail.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | The overall condition is *good* ### shipping * shipping is not inclu... | €120,00 | apreslebip |
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