Power Consumption: 12651 mA +12V | 6527 mA -12V | 512 mA 5V | Depth: 77 mm | Price: $46,272 | Number of Modules: 196 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: Fitzgreyve - Polymoog Resonators (black), 2hp Switches P-060, Phase Displacement Oscillator MkII (white), Noisy Oscillator (photo plate), H Xaoc - Poti (5hp), 333 (H), Bubblesound - Mix6 (21hp), STMIX (H), Mult 2x (H), PS-3100 Double Trouble, TRSHMSTR (white), µWarps (Twists) 6hp Mutable Instruments Warps, Arpitecht (white), Triad (white), LPG, BLACK 10hp MANTIS 104