Power Consumption: 14557 mA +12V | 5138 mA -12V | 165 mA 5V | Depth: 80 mm | Price: $50,486 | Number of Modules: 256 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: RAW DRUM BLACK, Hydrus, RR480 CS80 Filter (black panel), Resound , Mocante, Filter Eko, Holistic Delay, La Peste, Sequential Voltage 16, ACID DELAY black , Binary Expander, Space station gold TUBE LDR !, Garden, RAW DRUM, LITHiUM drum / osc, Strange Eye ZV, Sloth DK, Triple Sloth white panel, Stooges, DP Filter, spanky eurorack, Blinkenlights Polygons Gate Sequencer