Modified Price Name Seller Region Description
2024-12-14 €75,00 Nonlinearcircuits Sloth DK
Ultra slow chaotic modulation
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2024-12-14 €160,00 Nonlinearcircuits Triple Sloths V2
Slow Chaotic Modulation
RTFM EU WHITE or BLACK official panel, red/green or red/blue bicolor leds. freshly built, wit... 
2024-12-14 €200,00 Nonlinearcircuits Ian Fritz's Hypster
An electronic fourth-order hyperchaos generator
RTFM EU WHITE or BLACK official panel freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred... 
2024-12-14 €200,00 Nonlinearcircuits Ian Fritz's Hypster (black panel)
Electronic fourth-order hyperchaos generator
RTFM EU WHITE or BLACK official panel freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred... 
2024-12-14 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Hyperchaos Deluxe
Expanded version of Primal Hyperchaos
RTFM EU WHITE or BLACK official panel freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred... 
2024-12-26 €175,00 Dannysound MM VCA
Two Stage Minimoog inspired VCA
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2024-12-26 €150,00 Malekko Heavy Industry Richter NoiseRing
Analog Data Resonator Module
RTFM EU Fully working, rack rash. paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or... 
2024-12-26 €50,00 Grayscale Binary
OR/NOR Logic
RTFM EU Fully working, very good shape paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees)... 
2024-12-26 €180,00 Grayscale Algorhythm
Pulse/gate/trigger sequencer
RTFM EU Fully working, very good shape paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees)... 
2025-01-08 €130,00 Złob Foldiplier
Odd/even harmonics generator with feedback
RTFM EU I have one I can finalize fastly paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fee... 
2025-01-15 €170,00 Beers Melakarta
Up/down clockable, binary-addressable carnatic transposer/sequencer
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-01-17 €240,00 Nonlinearcircuits Macrame
VC panning Mixer
RTFM EU white official panel paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revol... 
2025-01-20 €110,00 RYO Penta
5-Step Voltage Sequencer
RTFM EU Freshly built, with LOVE, OFFICIAL PANEL 2021 VERSION FROM SYNTHCUBE paypal accepted (... 
2025-01-22 €160,00 Nonlinearcircuits FAST AND BULBOUS VCF
VCF / Phaser
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-22 €160,00 Nonlinearcircuits FAST AND BULBOUS VCF black panel
VCF / Phaser
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-22 €170,00 Frequency Central Looking Glass
5 x 5 active patchbay/matrix mixer/switcher with normal and inverted outputs and attenuators
RTFM EU Freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €110,00 Frequency Central Silent Disco
Compact Stereo Output Module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €100,00 Frequency Central Horror Show
4HP filtered noise generator/digital ring modulator/sub oscillator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Frequency Central Wave Runner
Multi-waveform sync-able LFO based on Electric Druid’s TAPLFO2D
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €220,00 Frequency Central Monograf
Hardwired synth voice with an East Coast feel
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €170,00 Frequency Central Raging Bull 3.0
VCF / VCA based on Moog Taurus Mk.I
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €160,00 Frequency Central Cosmic Background
Fully modular super flexible drum voice module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €210,00 Frequency Central Klang Stadt
Electric Druid’s wavetable oscillator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €115,00 Frequency Central CEMVelope
Sequential Circuits Pro-One based ADSR
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Frequency Central Logic Bomb
Dual CV addressable Boolean logic module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €160,00 Frequency Central Deep Thought
Boolean logic
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €100,00 Winterbloom Big Honking Button (black panel)
Winterbloom's Big Honking Button is, well, a big button that honks. Okay- okay, before you run away- it’s actually a simple sampler in a very silly package.
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €180,00 Allen Synthesis EuroPi
Reprogrammable Multi-Function Controller
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €240,00 Sebsongs Modular ST MIXER XL
Panning stereo mixer with aux
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €145,00 Sebsongs Modular ST MIXER
Stereo Panning Mixer
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €135,00 CCTV Coven LFO
4HP Modulation Source
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €110,00 Fonitronik Cascade
Triple DIY attenuverter/mixer/offset (in collab. with Thonk)
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €95,00 Møffenzeef Mødular Bad Idea #9
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €100,00 Neutron Sound QAT
Quad Buffered Attenuverter
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €80,00 Other/unknown Destructo VCF-1
Tube based VCF/Distortion
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €190,00 God's Box Loose Fruit
Multi-flavoured Dual Waveshaper / Crossfader
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €80,00 Kassutronics ASR Envelope
Static envelope generator with loop feature
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €130,00 Kassutronics VCO 3340
A basic but complete application of the 3340 VCO
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Kassutronics Transistor Ladder VCF
Classic Minimoog-style lowpass filter
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €80,00 Kassutronics Precision attenuverter / mixer
Quad precision attenuverter / mixer
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €150,00 Kassutronics Slope
Voltage-controlled slope generator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €80,00 Nonlinearcircuits Router
The Router can deliver 1 into 4, 4 into 4 and 4 into 1 at the same time, 2x2 into 2 and, with a simple mod to the PCB, 2x1 into 2
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €100,00 Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier
Neuron / Difference Rectifier
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Segue
VC panner, VC cross-fader, VCA and VC attenuator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €220,00 Nonlinearcircuits Intimacy
Preamp and EQ
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €140,00 Nonlinearcircuits Let's Get Fenestrated (white panel)
triple window comparator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €150,00 Nonlinearcircuits Helvetica Scenario
Dual chaos driven S&H with VC slew
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €150,00 Nonlinearcircuits Dual LFO/VCO
Upgraded version of the NLC dual LFO / dual VCO
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Statues
Thru & Hold Multiplexor
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €145,00 Nonlinearcircuits 1/n
Clock divider
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €145,00 Nonlinearcircuits Wangernumb
Wangernumb is 3 modules in one...or 4.
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Noiro-ze
LDR-based filter with VCA
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Shat-noir Phaser
LDR-Based Phaser
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Divine CMOS (8hp)
Clock divider, ring modulator / sub harmonic generator, CV and gate pattern generator / sequencer.
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €145,00 Nonlinearcircuits Giant B0n0
Vactrol PLL delay
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Bi-Di Choppers
CV-controlled switches
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €110,00 Nonlinearcircuits Splish
4HP version of Let's Splosh
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €110,00 Nonlinearcircuits Splish black panel
4HP version of Let's Splosh
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €200,00 Nonlinearcircuits Poultry in Motion
VC delay with sync out & clock divider
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €190,00 Nonlinearcircuits Delay No More 3
PT2399-based delay
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €210,00 Nonlinearcircuits Dispersion Delay
Vactrol-based bandpass filter delay
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €140,00 Nonlinearcircuits Delay No More
Dual (serial) PT2399 delay
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €80,00 Nonlinearcircuits Envelope Follower
Based on the EF in the Buchla Easel
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €150,00 Nonlinearcircuits Mogue
VCA and Mixer based on early Moog designs
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits DOOF
Drum module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Beat Freq
Jerky CV generator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €130,00 Nonlinearcircuits Beat Freqs
Gate pattern generator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €220,00 Nonlinearcircuits A Plague of Demons
Through-zero VCO
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits FK1T VCF
VCF based on Korg FK-1 pedal
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €140,00 Nonlinearcircuits Tinkle
4 nice drums and a nasty distorion
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €150,00 Nonlinearcircuits Let's Bronze Up
Let's make a big stinky mess!
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-26 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits VCAs
Triple VCA plus fuzz / distortion
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-29 €120,00 Nonlinearcircuits Big Jobs
Audio rate chaos module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-01-30 €170,00 Frequency Central Wonderland
8 x 8 patchbay/matrix mixer/switcher with normal and inverted outputs and micro-attenuators
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-05 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Tin Teardrop VCF
SSI2144 based dual core filter
RTFM EU cvFREQ, cv fr SPREAD, cvQ, cv Q SPREAD !!! freshly built, with love paypal accepted ... 
2025-02-05 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Tin Teardrop VCF black panel
SSI2144 based dual core filter
RTFM EU cvFREQ, cv fr SPREAD, cvQ, cv Q SPREAD !!! freshly built, with love paypal accepted ... 
2025-02-05 €170,00 Beers 4047VCO
gated-astable mode VCO
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €130,00 Beers Edge Detector 8hp
8-channel gate to trigger with OR-combined outputs
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €150,00 Beers Edge Detector 12hp
8-channel gate-to-trigger with OR-combined outputs
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €135,00 Beers Envelope Generator
AD/AR envelope with secondary envelope and hold function
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €150,00 Beers VCA/4QMx2
Dual VCA/Four Quadrant Multiplier
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €130,00 Beers 2P4T analogue sw
2-pole 4-throw binary-addressed bidirectional analogue switch
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €100,00 Beers 4054x2
dual 4-channel data latch with common inputs, XOR on outputs
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-05 €130,00 Beers 3phaseVCO 12hp
RTFM EU paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or Revolut, TransferWise, bank... 
2025-02-09 €180,00 Music Thing Modular Turing Machine Mk II (Black)
Random looping sequencer module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-11 €115,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-18 – Agrippa
Dual/Stereo Ring Modulator
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-11 €140,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-20 – CLOT
Switching Capacitor Filter inspired by EN 92 with added modulation!
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-11 €75,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-5 – SHAKTI
No Input Feedback Mixer
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-20 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits LOGORRHEA
Vocal filter, sort of
RTFM EU BLACK or WHITE panel freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, plea... 
2025-02-16 €220,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-14 Distorted Light
A Feedback centered Dual Reverb
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-16 €135,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-19 Mouth
2-channel true stereo fixed resonance/bandpass filter/vowel filter and/or anti-wah module
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-16 €240,00 Djupviks Elektronik DE-16 BRISTOL BLOODHOUND MK II
Updated dual oscillator with built in VCA, wave multiplier and a unique feedback circuit.
RTFM EU freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, please, add PP fees) or R... 
2025-02-20 €170,00 Nonlinearcircuits Logorrhea black panel
Vocal filter, sort of
RTFM EU BLACK or WHITE panel freshly built, with love paypal accepted (F&F preferred or, plea... 
2025-01-17 €80,00 4ms Company Rotating Clock Divider V2
Divides clock input in addition of the 4ms "Rotation" concept
ruimiguel EU The overall condition of this 4ms Company Rotating Clock Divider V2 is like new Origin... 
2025-02-08 €230,00 4ms Company Ensemble Oscillator (Black Panel)
Black panel for the Ensemble Oscillator
ruimiguel EU The overall condition of this *4ms Company Ensemble Oscillator (Black Panel)* is *like ... 
2025-02-11 €120,00 Bastl Instruments Timber - Black
Wave-folder VCA
RunningWurst EU The overall condition of this *Bastl Instruments Timber - Black* is *good* ### tech... 
2025-01-07 £225.00 Blukač Endless Processor (both panels)
Dual-channel infinite sound sustainer
russ UK BLACK PANEL: Condition is very good wiht no rack rash. Full working condition PayPal... 
2024-12-08 £150.00 Tiptop Audio ECHOZ (BLACK)
Time delay effects
russ UK Condition is excellent with zero rack rash. Smoke and pet free studio. Boxed PayPal ... 
2024-12-31 £425.00 Strymon Magneto
Stereo multi-head tape delay emulation, looper, phrase sampler, reverb, clock multiplier, chaotic oscillator
russ UK Excellent condiion but with no original box BACS / PAYPAL F&F / CASH ON COLLECTION ... 
2024-12-31 £375.00 Stochastic Instruments SIG+ 4 Track Stochastic Inspiration Generator
4 Track Performable Stochastic Melody Generator (combined SIG + Expander)
russ UK Condition is excellent with original box BACS / PAYPAL F&F / CASH ON COLLECTION FRO... 

Page 40 of 49, total 4879