10 HP
28 mm deep
Current Draw
80 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
90 mA 5V
$399 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Over-the-top oscillator inspired by the digital sounds of the last millennium.

Ataraxic Iteritas is an extension of the original Ataraxic Translatron. AI starts with one of three bit tables shaped via variable interpolation, then scrolled through, amplitude modulated, folded, and distorted by the CV-controllable front panel controls. Subby basses, metallic drones, unrelentingly digital timbres and more are all to be had from the AI. Guaranteed to make the fax machine jealous.


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submitted Sep 29th 2018, 20:03 by noise-e | last Change Aug 16th 2023, 16:19 by noise-e

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