This Module is discontinued.
Circuit-Bent Digital Waveguide
Wrong Code / Millions of Sweet Spots
NB : some modules with trigger LED circuitry removed for better trigger response. it's normal that it doesn't lit.
Karp and DU-KRPLS explore and exploit errors in code.
Achieving non-linearity in control and circuit-bent-esque sounds.
In a general sense,Karp offers a huge variaties of timbers;
DU-KRPLS excels in glitches and micro-movements.
CV inputs accept 0-5v.
TYPE and TRIG expect trigger inputs.
When a CV input jack is inserted, the knob on the left become an attenuator for the input signal.
DECAY control is very sensitive.
Most of the time, keep it fully counterclockwise or fully clockwise.
Holding the button during powering up would quantize pitch to D Major Pentatonic scale.
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