20 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$125 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

BMC006 Barton Voltage to Rhythm Converter

Voltage to Rhythm Generator

This module turns voltages into binary numbers in a two different modes series, and
parallel. Both modes utilize analog-to-digital conversion in creating rhythms from beats. In either
mode, an input voltage is sampled and converted to an 8-bit binary number. A clock is then applied
and on each tick of the clock, the output should change.
In series mode, the input voltage is sampled, converted to binary and then the numbers are
cycled through on each clock tick with the 1's represent beats that should be played upon, and 0's
represent beats that should be rested upon. An input voltage of 0v will result in all rests. An input
voltage of 5v will result in all on-beats. All voltages between 0 and 5v will result in a rhythm that
has both rests and on beats. Each output has it's own button and trigger input telling it when to
sample the input voltage.
In parallel mode, the binary number is outputted directly to the outputs, and each clock tick
triggers a resample of the input voltage. So if the input voltag is at 5v when the clock ticks, all
outputs will turn on. If the input is at 0v when the clock ticks, all outputs will turn off.

submitted Aug 11th 2015, 18:29 by sydilaxe | last Change Oct 30th 2022, 22:39 by ericmodular

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Found Sound



These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?