4 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$38 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Freq tripler / harmonic generator

This is a dual voltage controlled version of Razor on the Tinkle module. I have always enjoyed the Razor, especially when used with fast drum patterns, so it was inevitable this module would happen.

The Razor circuit is designed to work with Sine and Triangle waves. It is a very rough frequency tripler, turning a sine wave into 3 spikes of differing shapes and amplitudes. These are further altered by the settings of the pots and the incoming CV. If the pots are turned to 0 or 10, then the effect is turned off, but can be turned on by CV. If turned to 0, then the CV should be positive going, if turned to 10, then the CV should be negative. The CV pot also affects the sound when no signal is patched in, although to a lesser extent than the main pot.


submitted Jun 12th 2024, 12:58 by AndrewF | last Change Jun 12th 2024, 12:58 by AndrewF