22 HP
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
25 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$350 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Eurorack version

The Mankato Filter is a four-pole lowpass filter with positive and negative outputs at every pole, giving you slopes of 6 dB/oct, 12 dB/oct, 18 dB/oct, and 24 dB/oct simultaneously. The negative slope outputs allow you to use the Mankato as a quadrature sine oscillator with 8 available phases. The Mankato will self-resonate from subaudio to superaudio, and responds to one volt per octave through its unattenuated control inputs. When resonating, the 6dB/oct outputs are slightly hotter than the others and can be driven to lightly saturate at full resonance. The signal inputs are DC coupled, which allows you to use the Mankato as a voltage-controlled slew limiter at very low cutoff frequencies.

Ø 4.53 (17 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Sep 26th 2014, 09:10 by suitandtieguy | last Change Feb 3rd 2017, 03:54 by LearningModular

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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?