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High quality stereo mixer designed for live performance.
There are four mono and two stereo channels, each with a clickless mute button and individual level meters. The four mono channels come with a low cut switch (-3dB @80Hz), panning and a dedicated post fader aux bus.
The stereo channels have a switch for adding +18dB of gain, to easily bring outside gear up to modular level. The left inputs are normalled to the right, so these channels can also be used with mono signals.
There's CV control over panning for these channels.
A unique feature is the true stereo aux bus. This can be used to send a separate mix to effects or other destinations. This aux bus tapped after panning, so the full stereo image is retained.
There's both a mono and a stereo return, for mixing effects back in or adding signals from submixers.
This mixer was designed to be very transparent, with a low noise signal path, and lots of headroom.
The signal path is routed internally through VCA's, with sliders and pots only sending control voltages.
There's a master level knob that sets the output level.
There are connectors on the back for daisy chaining, or for connecting to future expanders/other mixer units. This functionality is compatible with Cosmix v1.
Available with black or silver aluminium panel.
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