This Module is currently available.
Dual gatemaker module
From top:
gate length knob + CV in jack (ch1)
gate length knob + CV in jack (ch2)
trig/gate input jack (ch1) + LED
trig/gate input jack (ch2) + LED
gate output (ch1) + LED
gate output (ch2) + LED
S-185 makes gates. Rising edge of input trig (or gate) starts output gate generation, gate length is set by knob or by input CV (knob then works as attenuator for input CV). Inputs are normalled so two differen gate lengths can be created from one input at time (use input1). Minimum output time about 1ms (so it can be used as gate-to-trig converter too).
Internal jumper settings:
1. Top jumper header set = max. gate time up to 1s, removed = up to 8s.
2. Bottom jumper set = retrigger mode (if new input comes while output gate is active, counting gate length starts again with incoming input making long interrupted gate if input is faster than output gate length), bottom jumper removed = “keep gate length” mode (ignoring incomming inputs while timing of output gate, makes gates according to knob/CV setting).
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