8 HP
23 mm deep
Current Draw
30 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$111 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

CLAP 522


Analogue clap

The Clap-522 Module contains an enhanced circuit of the MFB-522 and Tanzbär Lite. You can edit and modulate the sound in a wide range.
As modular concept you have the possibility to control the parameter PULSE, SNAP, ATTACK, DECAY and FILTER via CV-signals from Envelopes, LFOs and Step Sequencers.
The parameters are in detail:
PULSE is the amount of Claps between 1 and 7.
ATTACK sets the noise level between the clap repetitions.
DECAY controls the release of the noise reverb.
FILTER definates the color of the noise floor.
WIDE edits the gap between the single claps.
Beside sequencer generated analog and digital trigger-signals, drum pads, piezo pickups and dynamic mics may also be used. Here the SENS controls allow individual adjustment of the input sensitivity. Dynamic trigger also changes the volume of the clap.
The module provides the new developed M-Bus connection. Midi signals can control following destinations:
Trigger MIDI Note #39 or #82, switchable, with Velocity. Controller values for Wide, Attack, Decay and Filter.

  • analogue Clap like MFB-522 and Tanzbär Lite
  • Attack, Decay, Pulse and Filter controllable by CV
  • variable distance of clap attacks
  • dynamic trigger input
  • new M-Bus connection for faster workflow


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submitted Dec 6th 2016, 11:01 by cds | last Change Feb 8th 2021, 22:11 by StudioB

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