
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Antumbra KLIK Antumbra KLIK  16 step trigger sequencer  Jan 24th 2017, 10:23 
Antumbra ROT8 Antumbra ROT8  8 step analog sequencer  Aug 15th 2017, 08:50 
Antumbra uO_C Antumbra uO_C  8hp version of Ornament & Crime by mxmxmx  Oct 3rd 2017, 21:58 
Antumbra BANK Antumbra BANK  Fixed Filter Bank  Dec 1st 2017, 16:31 
Antumbra DVCA Antumbra DVCA  Dual VCA  Dec 5th 2017, 12:48 
Antumbra TAXI Antumbra TAXI  Maplin Voice Vandal SMD clone  Jan 15th 2018, 16:53 
Antumbra DIST Antumbra DIST  Diode distortion  Jan 25th 2018, 02:08 
Antumbra 6MIX Antumbra 6MIX  6 channel utility mixer  Mar 14th 2018, 13:33 
Antumbra ATOM Antumbra ATOM  18HP Elements  May 18th 2018, 14:43 
Antumbra KNIT Antumbra KNIT  6HP Plaits  Oct 2nd 2018, 16:46 
Antumbra SMOG Antumbra SMOG  8HP Clouds  Oct 2nd 2018, 17:35 
Antumbra KNOT Antumbra KNOT  8HP Braids  Oct 2nd 2018, 18:58 
Antumbra CARA Antumbra CARA  MINI MARBLES  Dec 30th 2018, 05:07 
Antumbra ATN8 Antumbra ATN8  Octal signal processor  Apr 11th 2019, 19:17 
Antumbra Knit - Magpie black panel Antumbra Knit - Magpie black panel  6HP Plaits  Apr 27th 2019, 05:39 
Antumbra Atom (Magpie Panel) Antumbra Atom (Magpie Panel)  18HP Elements of life  May 6th 2019, 16:47 
Antumbra ATOM (white panel) Antumbra ATOM (white panel)  18HP version of the famous Mutable Instruments Elements module  Jul 19th 2019, 06:50 
Antumbra PATH Antumbra PATH  Sequential switch  Jan 2nd 2020, 16:38 
Antumbra Antumbra CARA (White Textured Aluminum) Antumbra Antumbra CARA (White Textured Aluminum)  uMarbles  Jan 10th 2020, 01:11 
Antumbra ATOM (plain panel) Antumbra ATOM (plain panel)  Mutable Instruments Elements Clone  Jan 15th 2020, 10:38 
Antumbra GRID Antumbra GRID  Mini Grids  Mar 20th 2020, 12:15 
Antumbra BL08 Antumbra BL08  Blank panel  Apr 9th 2020, 23:59 
Antumbra KNIT (White Magpie Panel) Antumbra KNIT (White Magpie Panel)  6HP Oscillator based on MI Plaits (Magpie Modular panel)  May 27th 2020, 13:34 
Antumbra Cara (Black Magpie Panel) Antumbra Cara (Black Magpie Panel)  Redesign of Mutable Instruments Marbles  Jun 3rd 2020, 10:05 
Antumbra TUNE Antumbra TUNE  VCO TUNER  Oct 21st 2020, 12:23 
Antumbra Veils 2020 (Black Panel) Antumbra Veils 2020 (Black Panel)  Black panel for Veils 2020  May 5th 2021, 13:56 
Antumbra Strampler Antumbra Strampler  Streamer / Sample Player  Sep 4th 2021, 09:27 
Antumbra Ripples 2020 (Black Panel) Antumbra Ripples 2020 (Black Panel)  Black panel for Ripples (2020)  Feb 6th 2023, 07:56 
Antumbra Branches (Black Panel) Antumbra Branches (Black Panel)  Black panel for Branches  Feb 6th 2023, 08:35 
Antumbra Rings (Black Panel) Antumbra Rings (Black Panel)  Black panel for Rings  Feb 6th 2023, 08:46 
Antumbra Plaits (black panel) Antumbra Plaits (black panel)  Full-size Plaits clone with Mutated black panel  Mar 30th 2023, 11:26 
Antumbra Stages (black panel) Antumbra Stages (black panel)  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Stages  May 29th, 13:10 
Antimatter Audio Brain Seed Antimatter Audio Brain Seed  Sequencer, Random, Looper  Jan 6th 2013, 21:12 
Antimatter Audio Sub Ring Antimatter Audio Sub Ring  5- Channel Analog Oscillator Mix Section With Sub Octaves, Ring Mod, Noise  Jun 3rd 2016, 23:31 
Antimatter Audio Launch Codes Antimatter Audio Launch Codes  Compact 5-channel trigger/gate performance sequencer.  Jun 10th 2016, 18:12 
Antimatter Audio Launch Codes 8x Mult/Switch Expander Antimatter Audio Launch Codes 8x Mult/Switch Expander  Adds 8 switches/mults to the Launch Codes  Jun 14th 2017, 21:33 
Antimatter Audio Crossfold Antimatter Audio Crossfold  Crossfold modulation processor  Feb 6th 2018, 00:29 
Antimatter Audio Launch Codes (New Panel) Antimatter Audio Launch Codes (New Panel)  Compact 5-channel trigger/gate performance sequencer.  Aug 29th 2018, 17:57 
Antimatter Audio Crossfold (New Panel) Antimatter Audio Crossfold (New Panel)  Crossfold modulation processor  Dec 14th 2018, 20:57 
Antimatter Audio v3kt Antimatter Audio v3kt  4-channel morphing vector mixer/quadraphonic panner with dedicated CV logic outs  Dec 31st 2018, 19:26 
Antimatter Audio Voltographer Antimatter Audio Voltographer    May 19th 2019, 17:27 
Antimatter Audio Particle Projector Antimatter Audio Particle Projector    May 19th 2019, 17:29 
Antimatter Audio Hive Mind Antimatter Audio Hive Mind  ETA: Controller  Jul 3rd 2019, 20:47 
Anti-Kulture Precision Disrupter Anti-Kulture Precision Disrupter  Precision Disrupter - Generative Sequencer  Mar 18th 2022, 12:43 
AniModule SOB AniModule SOB  Resonant SVF with WaveFolder and Vactrol CV Input  Jan 2nd 2013, 13:08 
AniModule Quad Comparator AniModule Quad Comparator  Simple quad comparator based around the LM339  Jan 3rd 2013, 01:13 
AniModule Voltage Controlled Scanner/Switch - VCSS AniModule Voltage Controlled Scanner/Switch - VCSS  Voltage Controlled Scanner/Switch  Feb 5th 2013, 22:58 
AniModule Lil' Monster VCO AniModule Lil' Monster VCO  Beefy Oscillator with Sync, PWM, Expo and Linear FM  Jun 18th 2013, 18:08 
AniModule MixMan AniModule MixMan  A Mixer / Mult / CV Manipulator  Jun 27th 2013, 19:44 
AniModule DD Dual VCA AniModule DD Dual VCA  A Dual VCA With Mod In 1 Inverted then Normalled to Mod In 2  Jul 17th 2013, 11:10 

Page 298 of 320, total 15988